Saturday, January 4, 2014



I am officially 31!!!!

This is a twilight zone of young women everywhere. I mean, this is the official intro into my 30s. Sure, I started my 30s at 30 (duh), but now I’m THERE!! I’m all the way in! This is the age where everything becomes “Why?” all over again. I’m asking questions now like: Can I still shop at Forever 21? Is partying out of the question now? How young is too young of a guy to date? How old is too old? Is there a too old?? Should I start limiting my cheese intake? How much bacon can I get away with in a week? Can I officially be called a MILF?? Is skipping my multivitamin several times a week going to kill me now? These are hard hitting, real questions that deserve real answers!!! Especially the bacon one….and the cheese.
Meg Jay, an amazing psychologist I saw in a TED Talk* once said that the 20s are the years of revival. Those are the years of your rebirth. Your time to really start your adult preparation. But what happens if you didn’t learn that until you were 30?? Do those sparkly new brain cells disappear the moment you cross the threshold? Do you no longer have what it takes to be a hot 30-something on her way to the top because your 20s were spent, well, being 20? Mind you, I spent my 20s in two failed engagements and single motherhood, so I like to think “growing-up” absolutely happened for me. But what about those ladies who partied away their 20s? What about those who spent their 20s like an extension of their teens? What happens to them? Do they start a slow downward spiral towards mid-life crises and cougardom?  Is this where we get the women who sleep with the pool boys, and Moms who wear their daughter’s clothes? I don’t know. Maybe it depends on the woman. Maybe it depends on her upbringing. Maybe it depends on her 30s bacon and cheese intake. Who really knows until you get there.
In the mean time though, I plan to live my 30s as best as I can. I guess I can try this grown-up thing out for a while. See how it fits. I’m a real grown-up now. Possibly a MILF. Maybe looking weird in the Juniors department. Soaking up every time someone looks at me and says, “No waaayyy, you don’t look a day over 25!!” (Feel free to say that, Whenever you’d like. Ask for my ID too, like you need proof.) I am one year older, one year wiser (maybe) and one step closer to 40…where my Mom said she cried… because she was 40…..(**clears throat**).
I’m happy to say, I was one of the lucky ones! I found myself! Found Lo at 30, and spent the year breaking her in. I’m happy. I’m healthy. I’m probably a little bit off in the head (all a matter of perception). Most importantly, I LOVE ME!! It took me 30 years to love this chick (Thank you Lord!!). And I won’t be leaving her now. :-D
Cheers my 30 years!! #justagirl
